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Youth attacks teen with knife in Lewsey Farm

Police are searching for a youth who attacked a teen with a knife in Hockwell Ring, Luton, on Thursday.

The victim, a 14-year-old Asian boy, was attacked at around 8.30pm as he walked along the alleyway that connects Hockwell Ring and Strangers Way, while using his mobile phone.

PC Barry Smith, investigating, said: “Another teenager appeared in front of him and threw a punch at him.

“The victim put up his arm up to defend himself and felt what he thought was a slight scratch to his arm.

“He then punched his attacker, knocking him to the ground.

“The victim heard something fall to the ground and saw a very small pocket knife with a red handle, the blade of which was about 1.5 inches long.

“He then saw three other men walking towards him up the alleyway and decided to run off.”

The victim is light skinned Asian boy aged 14 and of slight build.

His attacker is described as about 5 foot 8 inches tall, about 16 years old, wearing a light grey hooded top under a black coat and dark jeans. The hooded top was pulled up.

The victim did not see the other three youths clearly.

PC Smith added: “We are looking for anyone in the area who might have seen one or more of these teenagers in the vicinity of Hockwell Ring or Strangers Way between eight and nine o’clock.

“Did you walk along this alleyway around this time and see someone acting suspiciously?”

Anyone with information relating to this incident can contact PC Barry Smith in confidence, at Bedfordshire Police on 101, or text information to 07786 200011.

Alternatively you can contact the independent anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

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