Over 1,000 people attended Luton’s employment, training and skills (LETS) fair at Venue Central last week. The fair, organised by the council and local organisations, provided workshops on how to create CVs and interview techniques.
One attendee commented: “I found the event very useful because I had the chance to meet potential employers face-to-face. I now feel so much more motivated and confident about my job prospects.”
The fair is part of a series of initiatives by the Council’s Economic Development team to promote economic growth in the town.
Councillor Sian Timoney said: “It was great to see so many people attending such a successful event and improving their job prospects as a result.
“I know the employers benefited too with organisations such as Lloyds Bank saying they spoke to a number of potential candidates about vacancies and have indicated their support for similar events in Luton in the future.
“We want Luton to make the best possible use of its considerable assets and opportunities, particularly in today’s financial climate, and to help people develop, grow and prosper.
“This is why we are continuing to work closely with a wide range of organisations to help improve employment rates.”
Angela Roberts, partnership manager at Luton Jobcentre, said “The LETS fair has again been successful with over 1,000 people attending. Employers have also been impressed with the dedication and calibre of attendees and jobseeker feedback has indicated that it was a well-organised opportunity to receive constructive advice on local employment and educational opportunities.
“We will continue to work with local employers and training providers to ensure that our claimants are appropriately skilled, in order to meet employer expectations when fulfilling their vacancies.”