Rothesay Nursery is celebrating after Ofsted inspectors judged the school as no longer requiring special measures.
Inspectors judged that all areas for improvement identified at the last inspection were addressed successfully and that the children’s behaviour was good and attendance had improved.
Janet Brownjohn, headteacher, said: “The nursery has made rapid improvement which is due to staff, governors, children and parents all working together. We have worked extremely hard on improving children’s behaviour including implementing rewards and sanctions as well as developing a home-school agreement, which has had a positive impact on their progress and we have seen their attainment rise.
“We still have a lot of work to do and will continue to drive our school forward and raise the quality of teaching.”
Ofsted found that the school have improved the quality and variety of resources used to support children’s learning.
Councillor Waheed Akbar, executive member with responsibility for children’s services, said: “Well done to Rothesay Nursery for coming out of special measures within a year. This is testament to the school’s dedication and commitment to tackling challenges head-on and the determination of staff and governors to raise standards in the school.”